Want to improve your connections with people living with dementia?
Empowered Conversations : Professionals can help!
The Greater Manchester Training Hub has funded a rolling programme of courses for nurses and nurse practitioners working in Greater Manchester’s social care sector. Courses are delivered online over 3 x 1.5 hour sessions until the end of March 2025.
The course offers a space for participants to pause and think about how dementia impacts on communication and the changes we can all make to help people to stay connected. The course is delivered via zoom through discussions, films, exercises and animations.
“I have so much enjoyed this training and have to say that is a lot to do with the way you have delivered it, I feel I have learned different ways to look at how we are dealing with our clients and have now implemented those changes and I really feel they are having a positive effect. I am hoping the rest of my team can get as much from this course as I feel that I have, I will also be feeding this back to Cherish.”
The course meets all of the learning outcomes for Tier 1, 2 and 3 of the Communications, Interactions and Behaviours in Dementia Care, Dementia Standard Framework.
Our next courses will be delivered on these dates:
Tuesday 28th January 10 to 11.30 |
Feb 11th – 10am – 11.30am |
20th Feb 1 – 2.30pm |
Weds 5th March – 2 – 3.30pm |
Tues 11th March – 10am – 11.30am |
To register your interest, email – joey.hetherington@nhs.net to book on a course.
If you have any questions, email – empoweredteam@ageuksalford.org.uk